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wisdom tooth pain Liverpool

How Long Does Wisdom Pain Last

How long does wisdom pain last - emergency dentist Liverpool

Wisdom pain (or wisdom tooth pain) is one of the major reasons for emergency dental visits in Liverpool. If you are presently thinking of going for wisdom tooth removal, you might be scared of the after-surgery pain people usually associate with the procedure.

Perhaps that’s the reason you are asking, ‘how long does wisdom pain last.’ Well, how long wisdom pain lasts actually varies between individuals. But in general, wisdom teeth pain can last for a few days to a couple of weeks.

This post will show you everything you need to know about wisdom teeth removal and what to expect after the surgery. We will also give you useful tips for cleaning your teeth during recovery and what you can do to speed up healing. So, keep reading!


How Long Does Wisdom Pain Last?

Most people go for wisdom teeth extractions because of the pain it causes. So, it is understandable that you could be concerned about post-surgical pain. But the truth is that whatever pain you might feel after the surgery cannot be compared to the pain you felt before it.

Any post-surgery pain will only be temporary. So don’t let fear prevent you from doing the right thing for your oral health.

About ‘how long does wisdom pain last,’ for most people, this will usually go away in the week after the extraction. It will typically take about two weeks to a month for the socket to heal. The pain will be worse in the first few days after the procedure, but it will improve in the coming days. In the latter part of this article, we will give a more detailed timeline of the healing process.


Why Wisdom Teeth Extraction In the First Place?

The wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early twenties. They are called wisdom teeth because they typically appear at a time in life when people are considered old enough to have “wisdom.”

However, if wisdom teeth do not grow in properly, which usually happens when there is not enough place for them to emerge, they can cause serious problems. It can cause pain, chronic gum infection, and damage to adjacent teeth. When this happens, your dentist will most likely recommend wisdom teeth extractions.


What Does the Wisdom Teeth Extraction Procedure Looks Like?

At PallMall Dental, our professional dentist will access your wisdom teeth using X-rays to see how they are growing. If they are not erupting normally, they will recommend a wisdom tooth extraction for you.

On the day of the extraction, local or general anaesthesia or sedation will be applied. The one you will need will depend on your comfort level and the complexity of your procedure. In some cases, you may only need simple extraction where there won’t be a need for sutures.

But sometimes, a complex extraction might be recommended. And that involves an incision in the gums to expose the tooth. Once the tooth is removed, the area will be cleaned, and every leftover debris or tooth particle will be removed.

After the wisdom tooth is removed, the dentist will give you a piece of gauze to bite down on to promote clotting and control bleeding.


What to Expect After the Procedure

Like any invasive dental surgery, you will likely feel some mild discomfort in the days following the procedure. The pain would vary from one individual to another. You will likely experience swelling and inflammation in the area too.

But your dentist will provide you with instructions and information to help relieve any pain you might experience. It is important you follow the instructions for quick recovery.

For instance, you will be required to keep the site clean and avoid eating and drinking on that side of the mouth while a blood clot forms. You will also need to avoid touching the site with your tongue or fingers. That is because touching the place can introduce bacteria or dislodge the blood clot.

You may also need to stay upright as much as possible to minimize swelling and keep the bleeding under control. That means you will need to prop your head up on pillows when sleeping.

Wisdom tooth extraction Liverpool

How to Keep Your Mouth Clean After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

After wisdom teeth extraction, it is important to keep your mouth clean to help prevent infection and promote healing. Here are some steps you can take to keep your mouth clean after wisdom teeth extraction:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth gently for 30 seconds, then spit it out. Repeat this several times a day.
  • Avoid brushing your teeth for the first 24 hours. This will give your gums time to heal and prevent bleeding.
  • After 24 hours, brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Avoid brushing the extraction site directly, as this can cause irritation.
  • Avoid drinking through a straw, as the sucking motion can cause the blood clot at the extraction site to become dislodged.
  • Avoid eating hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that could get stuck in the extraction site.
  • Avoid smoking, as it can slow down the healing process.

How to Get Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief

one thing that makes most people ask, ‘how long does wisdom pain last’ is when they experience severe pain after their extraction. If you are experiencing severe pain after wisdom tooth extraction, there are several ways you can try to get relief. Here are some tips for getting wisdom tooth pain relief:

  • Take over-the-counter pain medication, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil), to help relieve the pain.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater for about 30 seconds several times a day.
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compress to the outside of your cheek near the painful tooth. This can help reduce swelling and numb the area.
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything that is hot or cold, as these can increase sensitivity and pain.
  • Avoid eating hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that could irritate the tooth.
  • Avoid smoking, as it can irritate the tooth and slow down the healing process.

If your wisdom tooth pain is severe or lasts for more than a few days, you should see a dentist. They can examine your mouth and determine the cause of the pain and provide appropriate treatment.


What Foods Should You Eat or Avoid After A Wisdom Tooth Removal?

After a wisdom tooth removal, it is important to eat soft, easy-to-chew foods to avoid irritating the extraction site and to promote healing. Some good foods to eat after a wisdom tooth removal include:

  • Soft fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, avocados, and cooked carrots
  • Cooked grains, such as pasta, rice, and oatmeal
  • Cooked beans and lentils
  • Soft proteins, such as scrambled eggs and cooked fish
  • Soups and stews
  • Pudding and yoghurt

It is also important to stay hydrated after wisdom tooth removal by drinking plenty of water. Avoid drinking through a straw, as the sucking motion can cause the blood clot at the extraction site to become dislodged. Also, avoid eating hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that could get stuck in the extraction site.


How Long Does Wisdom Pain Last – When to Contact Your Dentist?

It is important to contact your dentist after a wisdom tooth removal if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain that is not relieved by over-the-counter pain medication
  • Persistent bleeding or a sudden increase in bleeding
  • Swelling that lasts for more than a few days or is getting worse
  • A bad taste in your mouth or a bad odour coming from your mouth
  • Fever or other signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or pus at the extraction site


How Long Does Wisdom Pain Last? – Final Thoughts

If you are having issues with your wisdom teeth, considering removal is a good option. However, the stories you hear about people’s post-surgery experience may want to make you dread wisdom teeth removal.

But it’s nothing to fear. Don’t let fear prevent you from doing the right thing. Wisdom tooth pain usually lasts a few days to a couple of weeks. And the severity of pain after the surgery would vary from one patient to the other.

So, that your friend experienced severe pain during their own procedures doesn’t mean you will go through the same. Just speak with your dentist and follow every instruction they prescribe for quick recovery.


Still concerned about ‘how long does wisdom pain last?’

You can speak with a professional and experienced emergency dentist in PallMall Dental Clinic for help. We have the best emergency dentists in Liverpool.
