Pall Mall Dental Clinic

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an image of a woman smiling after getting composite bonding

How Long Does Composite Bonding Last

Composite bonding is a dental procedure often recommended by dentists to patients looking to repair some type of damage in their teeth or looking to improve their smile. It is both a quick and cost-effective solution for a beautiful smile. If you are considering getting composite bonding any time soon, you might have some questions in your mind concerning it, including ‘How long does composite bonding last?’

Composite bonding typically lasts between 6 and 10 years. But the lifespan of your bonding will depend on some factors, including your eating and maintenance habits, amongst others.

Find out more about composite bonding in this post and some factors that impact its expected lifespan. And if you are looking for composite bonding in Liverpool, contact us now to begin your journey to a perfect smile.


First, What Is Composite Bonding?

You probably already know this. But to remove every doubt, let’s quickly show you what composite bonding is. It is a dental procedure often used to repair a damaged tooth and achieve a straighter, whiter smile.

It involves applying a tooth-coloured resin material to your damaged tooth to cover any forms of imperfection in the tooth. The material is strongly bonded to the tooth, creating a lasting solution to chipped or gapped teeth.

Composite bonding is easy and quick and can be used to correct a wide range of imperfections, including fractures, decayed teeth, discoloured teeth, short teeth, etc.

You need only a visit to your dentist to get it done – it will take between 30 to 60 minutes. Composite bonding is not painful and is also less expensive than other dental procedures like veneers. The best part is that it looks 100% natural, giving no hints at all that you have undergone a cosmetic procedure.


How Long Does Composite Bonding Last?

If you are considering the procedure, then you might be asking in your heart, ‘How long does composite bonding last?’

Composite bonding typically lasts between 6 to 10 years. While it provides a quick and simple solution to help you achieve a beautiful smile, it typically won’t last forever. The material used for the bonding is not as hard as your natural teeth. It can chip off, wear down, or even get stained – all of these are what reduce its lifespan.

However, making conscious efforts to maintain your bonding can help it stay with you for a longer time than expected. This includes shunning some unhealthy eating habits, maintaining good oral hygiene, and adjusting some lifestyle habits.

All these can determine how frequently you will need a repair or touch-up to your bonding.

how long does composite bonding last


What Affects the Lifespan of Composite Bonding?

Many things can affect how long your bonding will last. And you should know all of this before going for the treatment. Some factors that usually determine how long your bonding will last include the following:

The location of the bonding

Bonding on your side teeth or the back of your teeth tends to last longer than when done on the front teeth. That’s because front teeth are more exposed and more vulnerable to discolouration and damage.

The strength of the bonded tooth

When the tooth is weak or badly decayed, it won’t have the strength to hold on to bonding for much longer. But when the teeth are healthy and strong, the resin material sits and bonds well to them, creating a much longer result.

The type and quantity of bonding material used

Needless to say, that good quality composite resin will last longer than when a bad one is used. At the same time, the amount of the material used can also determine how long the bonding would last.

Using too little or too much will cause issues and make your bonding need corrections. That is why it is recommended that you get an experienced and qualified dentist to help with the procedure.

If you stay anywhere in or around Liverpool and looking for a reliable dentist to trust with the process, you can contact Pall Mall Dental Clinic to get started with your treatment.

Your lifestyle and habits

The lifespan of your bonding will obviously depend on how well you take care of it. Starting from good oral hygiene to adjusting your lifestyle habits.

Consuming hard foods like candy, nutshells, and ice cubes can damage the bonding. At the same time, taking some coloured liquid like coffee and red wine can stain it, hence causing you to need a replacement much sooner.


What Could Happen to Composite Bonding Over Time?

It is not a forever thing. A time will come when you will need to replace or repair your bonding. If you are curious to know what could likely happen to your bonding along the line, here are some of them:

Your bonding can get stained over time. You may not be able to completely prevent this from happening. The bonding material applied to your teeth will eventually become stained and discoloured over time.

If you have gotten the bonding to the back of your teeth, this may not be so much of a concern. But if it is at the front, you may need to start thinking of a replacement soon.

Another thing is that the bonding can chip off, wear down, or break away. Since the material is not as strong as your natural teeth, you shouldn’t expect it to be capable of receiving the same hit as your teeth.

Also, you should know that your bonding is not immune to habits that wear natural teeth. Just like your natural teeth can be damaged and worn by bites and grinding, your bonding can too.

So, if you had gotten composite bonding to mask or lengthen worn teeth, you will need to do something about the old habits that worn or damaged the natural teeth you were trying to fix. You will need to quit such habits as clenching, grinding, or chewing on fingernails. They can all take a toll on your bonding.


Signs That Your Bonding Needs a Replacement

Not sure when you should replace your bonding? Just look out for some noticeable differences in the appearance and feel of the bonding compared to your natural teeth. Your bonding should look and feel like your natural teeth. When you start noticing it’s not, then you probably need a replacement.

Notice any change in the way your bite feels? Any sharp or lifted corners? All these are signs that your bonding has become loose and needs to be replaced. In fact, you shouldn’t ignore these signs because loose resin can chip your teeth or even make them more vulnerable to damage.

Another thing that may call for bonding replacement is when your resin is stained. You don’t want a tooth that looks totally different from other sets of your teeth. This can cause a distraction in your appearance, especially when it is the front teeth.


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How to Make Your Composite Bonding Last Long

Just like your natural teeth, you need to maintain good dental hygiene to ensure the longevity of your bonding. You need to take care of it just as you would your natural teeth. So, to ensure your composite bonding last long, here are some tips that could help:

#1: Brush at least twice a day

Yes, regular brushing of the teeth can help remove any stuck food particles in your teeth. It will also make sure you don’t have any stains lying around too long on your teeth.

That is the first step to ensuring a long-lasting bonding. However, when brushing, it is recommended you use soft-bristle brushes and non-abrasive toothpaste.

#2: Floss regularly

Like the first tip, you will also need to floss regularly to always keep the space between your teeth clean. But when flossing, ensure you employ the right technique. You may need to speak with your dentist if you are not so sure what flossing technique is good for your bonding.

#3: Avoid chewing on hard items

Again, this habit can quickly damage your bonding, calling for a replacement too soon. Hard foods like candy and ice cubes can damage your teeth. Also, desist from the habit of opening packets or sodas with your teeth. Chewing on fingernails is also not good.

#4: Regular checkups with your dentist

You will need professional cleaning once in a while. At the same time, you will need your dentist to regularly check and detect any problems with your bonding or eating habits. So scheduling a regular checkup with your doctor is a good step to take when looking to have your bonding last long.

#5: Avoid teeth-staining foods

Some foods have the potential to easily stain your teeth. When you have your composite bonding, you will need to avoid such foods as much as possible. Some of them include coffee, red wine, tea, curry, etc.

If you cannot completely stay away from these foods, you might need to make it a habit of rinsing your mouth after taking them.

You may also need to quit some habits like smoking and chewing tobacco. They often have negative impacts on your oral health. Plus, the consumption of too acidic or sugary foods needs to be reduced too.



Final Note on How Long Does Composite Bonding Last

Composite bonding is a quick and effective procedure for fixing dental imperfections and achieving a beautiful smile. However, composite bonding doesn’t last forever. It typically lasts between 6 and 10 years, depending on various factors, including your oral health and lifestyle habits.

However, with the right maintenance tips and effort, you can surely extend the lifespan of your bonding to more than ten years. That means you can enjoy your bright, radiant smile for as long as possible!


To begin your journey to a more perfect smile through composite bonding in Liverpool, call us now at 0151 258 1968 or use the Contact form to schedule an appointment.


